As we get older, our skin becomes less elastic and wrinkles start to form, making it increasingly difficult to keep your face from looking smooth.

Book your free anti-wrinkle consultation with one of our healthcare professionals in a few simple steps.

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Treatment Time:
30 minutes

Recovery Time:
Generally immediate

Duration of results:
Up to 4-6 months


Ageing is a natural process and way of life, however there are measures you can take to reduce the chances and slow down the ageing process including:

  • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun
  • Reduce facial exposure to the sun using sun hats and sunglasses where possible
  • Avoid smoking
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Using skincare products that contain anti-ageing ingredients e.g. vitamin A and peptides
  • Invest in professional skin care treatments that stimulate collagen production

Whilst a normal part of life, wrinkles do not need to be permanent. Skin care treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, can help address and prevent fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging collagen production. Other treatment options can include laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion and skin peels.

We know there are many skin care products on the market, but choosing the right one for you may be difficult. Therefore we have put together a list below of effective anti-aging ingredients you should look out for when purchasing a product:

  • Hyaluronic acid – as this helps to maintain the skin’s hydration
  • Retinol – this is a form of vitamin A which helps address the signs of ageing
  • Alpha-hydroxy Acids (AHAs) – this is an effective exfoliant to help the skin
  • Vitamins C and E – these are antioxidants for fighting free radicals

One of the best ways to prevent ageing skin is to keep your skin protected from the sun. This will include wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and using adequate sun cream with skin protectant factor. This is as they will help protect against the harmful UV rays emitted from the sun, which damage the skin’s collagen.

You can also target forehead lines through anti-aging injectable treatments which can be used to relax the facial muscles to prevent lines developing due to repeated facial movements. When administered correctly, this could be an effective treatment option to prevent lines on the forehead from developing. You can book a free consultation online with one of our trained medical healthcare professionals, so they can assess you in person and advise upon the best treatment option available.

The best option for getting rid of forehead lines will in most cases, depend on the cause.

  • Dynamic lines – these are lines caused by muscle movement, such as when you smile, frown or squint
  • Static lines – these are lines present all the time, even when you are not moving your facial muscles

Dynamic lines are usually best treated through anti-wrinkle injections which work to relax facial muscles and prevent lines appearing due to facial movements.

Static lines are usually best addressed using treatments that are designed to strip back layers of damaged skin. These include options such as laser resurfacing or chemical skin peels.

Some people may begin to notice faint lines appearing in their late twenties and early thirties.

As aging continues, lines may become increasingly apparent until they are visible regardless of your facial movements. Although it normally gets worse with age, some people have forehead lines before there are other signs of ageing skin.

Some people may develop laughter lines from a very young age, such as in their teens and may have it for most of their lives. In such cases, this may not be due to aging skin but is just a natural or genetic character of their skin.

However, most people may begin to see the first signs of laughter lines in their 30s and whilst this may be genetic, it also may be due to their lifestyle and deeper-set wrinkles may begin to appear once as we get to our 40s. Contributing factors such as smoking and sun exposure speeds up the skin-ageing process, so avoiding these can help keep your skin looking younger for longer.

Yes. Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly referred as anti-ageing injections – both of which may be intertwined.

Our experienced and trained healthcare professionals are at hand to carry out the appointments. These usually take around 30 minutes and whilst the skin may feel sensitive for around an hour, there are very little side effects, meaning you will be able to return to your normal daily activities almost immediately.

In most cases, you should be able to carry on your day as normal. However you may be advised to avoid strenuous activities, sauna or other facial procedures for 24 hours.

The results from anti-wrinkle injections can be seen almost immediately. You should notice an improvement in your lines and wrinkles after 4-10 days of having the treatment.

At Skinnou, we only use high quality products for top results. The duration of results usually last around 3-4 months and it is generally advised that all patients having this procedure done for the first time may be required to make three visits in the year – whereas, after the first year you may only need to make two visits to the clinic as this will allow sufficient muscle recovery time and may subsequently be reduced to once a year.

This will however be determined on a case by case basis, as our trained healthcare professionals will devise a tailored treatment plan to suit each individual.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a very popular treatment option. They can be suitable for anyone who wants to reduce the appearance of forehead and frown lines, as well as wrinkles around the eyes. The area that will need to be injected will vary per individual, but the most commonly targeted areas are the forehead and between and on the side of the eyes.

Anti-wrinkle injections may not be suitable for everyone. At Skinnou, you will always undergo a free consultation to ensure the treatment is suitable for you. Below are a few reasons why this procedure may not be right for you:

  • If your injection site is infected
  • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients
  • If you are pregnant or breast-feeding
  • If you have certain muscular disorders

You should always discuss any concerns you may have with our trained practitioners at your appointment. You can also contact us before your appointment if you have any questions as we would be more than happy to help.

Anti-wrinkle injections have been around for many years and are not only used for cosmetic procedures. When administered by a trained practitioner, the risks are minimal and the procedures are considered safe. However it is important to ensure any procedures you receive are carried out in the right settings with a trained healthcare practitioner.

<p”>At Skinnou, all procedures are carried out by our trained practitioner in our clinic for your safety.

You should always look to discuss the potential risks and side effects with a trained medical professional. In most cases, any side effects will be mild and short-lived and can include mild bruising at the injection site. Some people may also experience mild headaches after receiving treatment but this usually subsides within 24 hours.

As this procedure is non-surgical, it is generally considered pain free. However if you are not comfortable with needles, you may feel a mild discomfort due to the small needle being inserted. If you have any concerns with needles, you can always speak to our practitioners who will be happy to help put your mind at ease.

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At Skinnou, we always strive to ensure we are offering the best possible service at highly competitive prices. Our consultation process is free and all our prices are made clear during the consultation process. You can contact us to arrange a free consultation and discuss all potential treatment options available to obtain a non-obligatory quote.

1 Area From £165
2 Areas£250
3 Areas£300

Prices For Areas We Treat

  • Frown (glabellar) lines – £195
  • Forehead lines – £175
  • Crow’s feet – £175
  • Bunny lines – £165
  • Smoker’s or lipstick lines – £165
  • Eyebrow lift – £165
  • Downturned corners of the mouth – £165
  • Pebble or dimpled chin – £165
  • Gummy smile – £165

Treating two of these areas will cost £250 and three areas will cost £300.

Please note: this does not include specialised treatments.

Specialised Treatments

  • Excessive sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) – £400
  • Masseter (teeth grinding) – £300
  • Neck Lines – £300
  • More

    Forehead & Frown (Glabellar) lines

    Smooth vertical forehead lines and relax lines caused by frowning

  • More

    Eyebrow Lift

    Raises the eyebrows to decrease the appearance of wrinkles and frown lines and lift sagging skin

  • More

    Bunny lines

    Smooth horizontal lines on the nose

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    Crow’s feet

    Reduce lines from the outer counter corner of the eye

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    Smoker's or lipstick lines

    Smooth lines that form on the skin between the upper lip and the nose

  • More

    Marionette lines

    Reduce vertical lines running down from corner of mouth to jaw

  • More

    Dimpled Chin

    Smooth out the chin area

  • More
  • More
  • More

Click each dot to see which areas can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections


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Excellent, efficient and friendly service, highly recommended.

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Great results from my fillers. I have been thinking about getting them done for many years but was a bit worried. The staff at Skinnou were very helpful and provided excellent service in a caring way. 5 stars.

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Very good prices, easy parking, professional service. I will definitely be returning to Skinnou in the future.

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Had anti-wrinkle injections done with Skinnou, which was painless and I was very pleased with my results.

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Very professional clinic inside a pharmacy. Staff are welcoming and friendly. I had my consultation with the clinician who explained in detail what treatment would suit me best. I was also provided with good, clear information on the aftercare needed following treatment.

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I booked my appointment via the website in just a few minutes. The clinic was easy to find on the High Street and staff were very helpful. Keep up the good work!

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I have had so many compliments from my friends and family since having my treatment. Can honestly say that the treatment has really boosted my confidence and I have Skinnou to thank for that.

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Fantastic service, knowledgeable staff, very very happy with results.

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