

At Skinnou, we want to make booking an appointment with our technicians simple and easy. Therefore we do not charge any fees for all bookings and are pleased to offer a free consultation before agreeing any treatment package.


As part of our continued efforts to offer a great service, we appreciate that individuals’ circumstances may change and it’s not always easy to stick to a scheduled appointment. For this reason, we do not charge for any cancellations and will always aim to help you reschedule your appointment at the soonest available date. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, we would just kindly ask that you inform us 48 hours prior to your appointment – there is no cancellation fee.


If you are running late for an appointment, please contact us and we will always look to try and help us as best as we can. However, if arrival is delayed it is not always possible for us to accommodate your full appointment, which means your appointment time may have to be shortened or cancelled. We will always try to accommodate last-minute changes if we can, however this is only if the appointment is available for a later time.


Prior to receiving your treatment, you will be made aware of the costs involved. If any of the sessions from a package have been used, the refund amount will be based on the deduction of individual list price, rather than the discounted package price. Skinnou is not liable and will usually not be able to provide refunds for any treatments once they have been provided. However, please contact our Customer Support team for a refund request and we will do our best to assist and support you wherever possible.

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